CALL US TODAY 978-534-8678

 Before and After School

84 Pleasant St, 

Leominster MA 01453

(978) 732-4005


80 Pleasant

Street Leominster, MA

(978) 514-0748

 Second Street Location

116 2n d Street

Leominster, Massachusetts 01420

(978) 534-8678

Adventures After School

  Adventure's Afterschool and Summer Camp

Meet the Owner/Program Administrator
Mrs. Tina 

February Newsletter 


Parent Handbook
Click on the links above to download paperwork.
Holiday Closings Jan 2025-Dec 2025


A reminder for the parents that pick up is closer to 5:00. Parents should be trying their best to make it to pick up their children by 5:00. 

THERE IS NO LONGER A GRACE PERIOD!!!! If you are showing up any later than 5:00 pm every day, then you will be charged an automatic $25 fee for 15 minute you are late (ex. 1-15min=$25, 16-30min=$50, etc). With that being said, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, as always please feel free to speak to Liandra at any time!
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